In the last live-stream, I talked about some tips of thoracic rotation
This article will explain more detail about thoracic movement.
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By Anatomography (en:Anatomography (setting page of this image)) [CC BY-SA 2.1 jp (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.1/jp/deed.en)], via Wikimedia Commons |
our spine segment has 6 degrees of freedom
It can rotate or transit on three different planes.
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Photo credit: Neupsykey.com |
我們需要提到大名鼎鼎的Fryette's Laws
Fryette's Laws是Harrison Fryette, D.O.(1876-1960)所提出椎體動作的原則
最原始的Fryette's Laws只有兩條
直到1948由CR Nelson, D.O.再加以補充
When we talk about the spine rotation and side-bending,
we can't miss the famous Fryette's Laws
There were only 2 laws in the original version
In 1948, CR Nelson, D.O. added the third law.
Make those three laws become the well-known Fryette's Laws.
The three laws are as follow:
1. 在椎體正中位置下, 椎體側彎時會伴隨椎體向對側旋轉
1. When the spine is in neutral, side bending to one side will accompany the opposite side rotation
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Photo credit: Musculoskeletalkey.com |
2. 在椎體非正中位置下, 椎體側彎會伴隨椎體向同側旋轉
2. When the spine is not in neutral, side bending to one side will accompany the same rotation.
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Photo credit: Musculoskeletalkey.com |
3. 椎體在某一個平面上的動作產生變化時, 會影響其餘兩個平面的活動
3. When motion is introduced in one plane it will modify motion in the other two planes.
因為上面描述的是簡化過後的脊椎動作, 也是考試的標準答案
If you are a PT/PTA student, please stop right here.
The content above simplifies spine movement, but also the standard answer for testing.
在2007年PS Sizer等人發表
The most recent review of the thoracic coupled movement is in 2007, published by PS Sizer et al.
The conclusion for joint coupling of the thoracic spine is no conclusion.
There is no consistency from those research over the past several decades.
但這不代表Fryette's Laws就從此失去了代表性
But it doesn't mean Fryette's Laws is wrong.
It might describe the movement under the ideal condition.
Our body should respond to what they encounter.
Neutral is a dynamic concept
If there's no true neutral position,
how can we decide which movement should follow which law?
這邊要額外提及另一位大師級人物Philip E. Greenman, O.D
在其著作Principles of Manual medicine裡
對於Fryette's Laws第二原理提出了我覺得非常適用於臨床的觀點
如果胸椎先做出了側彎的動作, 那會有對側旋轉的耦合動作
如果胸椎先做出了旋轉的動作, 那會有同側側彎的耦合動作
Here's another master I need to mention on this topic, Philip E. Greenman, O.D.
In his book Principles of Manual medicine,
he proposed an idea about spine movement which I thought is really helpful in practice.
If the side-bending is introduced first, then it will accompany the opposite rotation.
If the rotation is introduced first, then it will accompany the same side side-bending.
我們可以進行更精準的臨床評估, 處理, 與動作選擇
By knowing all those concepts,
we can do the better evaluation, treatment, and movement integration.
本著作由I-Chen Liu, PT, MS, DPT, OCS製作,以創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 4.0 國際 授權條款釋出。
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