Friday, May 11, 2018

[基礎伸展] 上斜方肌 Upper trapezius stretch

By Mikael Häggström.When using this image in external works, it may be cited as:Häggström, Mikael (2014). "Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008. ISSN 2002-4436. Public Domain.orBy Mikael Häggström, used with permission. (Image:Gray409.png) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
負責的動作有頸椎後仰, 同側側彎, 對側旋轉
Upper trapezius is another important muscle of neck-shoulder area
It has the close relationship with levator scapulae
The movement at the cervical are extension, same side side-bending, opposite side rotation
And the movement at the shoulder are elevation and upward rotation

Trapezius animation small2

1. 頭部旋轉, 側彎活動受限
2. 肩關節活動障礙
3. 在枕骨下外側, 頸肩連線中點 或後3/1鎖骨處產生酸痛點
Some common conditions while upper trapezius is tight:
1. Neck side-bending and rotation limitation
2. Shoulder dysfunction

3. Tender points over the lateral suboccipital area, mid-point of the shoulder, or 1/3 of the clavicle

1. 頭部向對側側彎加上同側旋轉
2. 對側手拉住頭部
3. 同側手向下固定
The static stretch includes the following movement:
1. Neck side bends to opposite side and turns to the same side.
2. Opposite hand holds the neck
3. Same side arm anchor at the bottom
Below is the standard static stretch of upper trapezius.

讓同一側的肩胛上抬, 再下壓
Let me show you how to perform dynamic stretch to this muscle
The head and opposite hand position remain.
The same side shoulder elevates up and down,
using scapula elevation/depression to stretch this muscle.

Upper trapezius is also the common tight muscle among office population
By simply rotating your head to both sides, you can differentiate which muscle is truly tight.

創用 CC 授權條款
本著作由I-Chen Liu, PT, MS, DPT, OCS製作,以創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 4.0 國際 授權條款釋出。

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

[基礎伸展] 提肩胛肌 Levator scpulae stretch

Levator scapulae.png
By modified by Uwe Gille - Gray Image:Gray409.png, Public Domain, Link
由頸椎第一至第四橫突, 向下連接到肩胛上角
負責的動作有頸椎後仰, 同側側彎, 同側旋轉
Levator scapulae are the muscles that connect cervical and scapula
From C1-C4 transverse process to superior angle of scapula
The movement at the cervical are extension, same side side-bending, same side rotation
And the movement at the shoulder are elevation and downward rotation

Levator scapulae muscle animation2

1. 頭部旋轉, 側彎活動受限
2. 肩關節活動障礙
3. 在頸部或是肩胛上緣產生酸痛點
Some common conditions while levator scapulae are:
1. Neck side-bending and rotation limitation
2. Shoulder dysfunction
3. Tender point over the lateral neck or superior angle of scapula

1. 頭部向對側旋轉約45度然後往下看
2. 對側手拉住頭部
3. 同側手舉高並貼住頸椎
The static stretch includes the following movement:
1. Neck rotates to opposite side about 45 degrees and bends down.
2. Opposite hand holds the neck
3. Same side arm raises up and holds the neck
Below is the standard static stretch of levator scapulae.

同一側的手往上舉高, 再移動回來
Dynamic is another good way to stretch levator scapulae.
Sometimes it's more effective than the static stretch.
The head and opposite hand position remain.
The same side arm raise all the way up and back down,
using scapula rotation to stretch this muscle.

Levator scapula is getting tight easily among office population.
Remember to do some exercise while using the computer.
That can help you decrease the chance of neck stiffness and pain.

創用 CC 授權條款
本著作由I-Chen Liu, PT, MS, DPT, OCS製作,以創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 4.0 國際 授權條款釋出。